by arkeus
Want updates on games I’m currently working on? Follow me on twitter! I often post updates and screenshots of things I’m working on before I post here (and sometimes I don’t update here), simply because it’s a much quicker and more casual environment. It’s a nice place for me to talk about things as I’m working on them, without having to go through the hassle of a blog post.
As an example, here’s the current state of the very first map you’ll see in For Fate that I posted this weekend:

Odin's Fall
like the image ever think of putting actions like swimming or fly [like Pokemon]
I originally thought of having swimming, but ended up being against it. I might change my mind again later, but for now I’m keeping water as a way to prevent you from traveling.
As for flying, I want to keep the sense of requiring you to explore the world and travel places on foot, so I don’t want a way to just fly to anywhere. However, I am going to have a way to travel between towns you’ve already visited, so that it’s easier to backtrack if needed.
If you need testers im studying GameDesign in Leipzig and besides myself my classmates would surely test aswell if i ask them.
And keep up the good work of course.